Thursday, June 11, 2009

summer and house construction

Well, It's summur again! This meuns that all of the snow will melt! Yay! No more shovuling siedwalks! Huraah! I'm so happy! It was getting very challunging to hold the shovul in my huuvs. I don't hav oposabl thums, you no.
My hom colapsed today! It just, woosh, tumbuld to the grownd! I had to spend all day ficksing it insted of my normul rootine, eating, sleeping, and being a moose. First, I had to think up a sturdyur design. Then, I had to collect many sticks and stones to build my home. Aftur that, I had too panefuly pick many pine needuls, and I was pricked many times. Then I had to put it all togethur, witch was the hardest part becuz it kept falling ovur. Then, finully, I had to rearange my furniture to fit the accomodashuns of my new hom. Finally, I adjusted the T.V. antennuh and had to run over to the radio shack to get a digitul convertur box. DTV comes twomorow! I just hope my new hom doesn't fall down in the oncoming rain storms the wethur channul keeps talking abowt. Well, talk to you suun!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The other side of the stew

Well, woo is on the othur side of the stew? I am. And I am prowd of it. So if anywon doesn't like stew, they of korse aren't in the stew at all. They are ovur on the othur side of the kitchen in the chili. But I am in the stew. I like stew.
It is getting to be worm again! I am very happie. It was very cold in the wintur, but now it is spring, and is nice and worm. Today, we had an all time hiy tempratur: 50 degrees! It is so grate to be nice and worm. Hopefullie, they will contineu.
See u suun,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Im back!!

I'm back from my trip to the Bahamas! that's why I haven't powsted in a while, becuz there was no inturnet der, but I am back in Canada, and am back on my blog.
unfortunatly, I haf 2 go, becuz I have an importunt moosey meeting, but will powst agian suun. Gewd bye 4 now!!